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What is depression? How do I deal with it?

Depression is defined as "feelings of severe despondency and dejection." In simpler english this means a feeling which makes you think there is no hope, no way to survive, and no point in carrying on this charade you calla a life. A feeling which is so emotionaly pressing, you feel as if you're going to explode with tears.





1. Fearfulness, crying, frequently showing pervasive sadness by wearing black clothes, writing poetry with morbid themes. Crying for no apparent reason. 2.Hopelessness feeling that life is not worth living or worth the effort to even maintain their appearance or hygiene. 3. Less interest in activities; or not enjoying previously favorite activities dropping out of clubs, sports, and other activities. Not much seems fun anymore. 4. Persistent boredom; low energy Lack of motivation and lowered energy level is reflected by missed classes or not going to school. A drop in grade averages can be equated with loss of concentration and slowed thinking. 5. Social isolation, poor communication lacking connection with friends and family. avoiding family gatherings and events. Teens who used to spend a lot of time with friends may now spend most of their time alone and without interests. not sharing feelings with others, believing that you are alone in the world and no one is listening to you or even cares about you. 6. Low self esteem and guilt assuming blame for negative events or circumstances. you may feel like a failure and have negative views about their competence and self-worth. you feel as if you are not "good enough." 7. Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure believing that you are unworthy, becoming even more depressed with every supposed rejection or lack of success. 8. Increased irritability, anger, or hostility often irritable, taking out most of the anger on your family. you may attack others by being critical, sarcastic, or abusive. you may feel u must reject ur family before their family rejects them. 9. Difficulty with relationships you may suddenly have no interest in maintaining friendships. you'll stop calling and visiting their friends. u also may have lost a loved one or had a bad relationship with ur bf/gf 10. Frequent complaints of physical illnesses, such as headaches and stomachaches complaining about lightheadedness or dizziness, being nauseous, and back pain. Other common complaints include headaches, stomachaches, vomiting, and menstrual problems.

Outward aggression and violence is extremely frightening to those in your company, especially children. People can incur serious consequences from anger; you may loose your job or get involved with the police as a result of your actions. In this case you must get support. As we are not all outwardly violent, people still recognise our angry behaviours when around you and begin to feel they are a problem to you, almost a nuisance. This can end in people distancing themselves from you as they feel unwanted.

No matter what form of depression you may suffer from, love and acceptance are the two essential elements necessary in developing control over your symptoms.

- Amy Weintraub

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

- Joyce

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