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What is anxiety? How do i deal with it?

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. It is a mix of eomtions along with physical actions we usually experience when we are worried or nervous about something. It us an unpleasent experience but a panic attack is our noraml biological reaction to feeling threatened.


     F I GHT OR     F L I G H T

Every individual including you and I have been nervous at some moment in our life. Anxiety is a common sense to feel. It is a mix of nervousness and perhaps fearful at the thought of a stressful event or decions you are facing for exaple: Sitting an exam, Going to hospital, Sitting an interview, Starting anew job, having a child etc.

It is understandable to have worries on how you will perform in experiences like this. People often find it hard to eat, sleep, or concentrate. Often after a short period, the feelings of worry stops.


When does mental health become a problem?

You may find you are worrying all the time, possibly about simple things like going to school or going to work. People sometimes even end up worrying about worrying.


You may also experience unpleasent and psychologial effects of anxiety which may turn to panic attacks. Depending on the type of problems you experience, you may be diagnosed a particular type of anxiety disorder.


If anxiety is affecting how you feel you would like to live your life; it is worth thinking about little ways to help yourself and what type of treatment is available. A mental illness should never interfere with your life as you have the right to live life how you wish and stop it from taking over you.


Like all species, we have evolved with instincts to protect ourselves in dangerous situations. When we are under threat our body releases hormones such as adrenalin & cortisol. These;

  • Make us feel alert & act fast

  • Make our heart beat faster to carry blood to where it is needed.

When the danger has passed, our body releases other hormones to help muscles relax, which can make you shake.


This is known as the "fight or flight" respones- it happens automatically in our bodies and we have no control.


Anxiety I will transform you into something useful and productive. I will not bow down to you.

- Jaeda Dewalt

Anxiety is nothing.. But repeatedly reexperiencing failure in advance.

What a waste. 

- Seth Godin

Theere are many physical and psychological sensations associated with anxiety. For example: Nausea, Tense Muscles, Pins and Needles, Fast Breathing Panic Attack & Feeling tense / nervous / on edge, feeling numb / restless, having a sense of dread or numbness.


There are also many long term issues associated with anxiety such as; problems sleeping, long term depression, lowered immune system or a drug issue.


You may also experience problems in different aspects of your life such as holding down a job or mainting healthy relationships with family and friends.

We hope this helped x


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