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What is BDD? How do i deal with it?

Body Dysmorphic disorder is a psychological disorder in which a person becomes obsessed with imaginary defects in their body. It is exremely serious as after a long period of this illness sufferers' often become suicidal; regrettably.


You can odten develop routines and habits which have a disruptive effect on your life; such as excessive use of mirrors or picking your skin. These habots have a significant impact on your life. It often causes problems such as: The feelings of shame, guilt and loneliness, self-harm, depression or anxiety and misuse of alcohol or drugs.

Often; many people with BDD do not seek help as they are worried that people will judge them. This means people are likely to experience BDD for a long time before the seek help.


Common Signs Of BDD: With BDD, your obsessions can often cause significant anxiety and you may develop compulsive disorders or routines. As this is a common occurence it is closely related to obsessive compulsive disorder.

Worries About THe Body: Spending several hours a day thinking negatively about your body. Common areas are facial features (nose, eyes, hair, chin & skin) partial areas of body (breasts / genitals) feeling you are overweight or underweight. People often experience eating problems but not all people with eating issues experience Body Dysmorphic disorder.

Common behavior when people deal with BDD.

  • Using heavy makeup in public

  • Brushing hair obsessively

  • Checking mirrors often

  • Changing posture in certain items of clothing

  • Seeking constant reassurance

  • Picking your skin to make it smooth

Body dismorphia has got to go. It's similar to a disease called crazy eyes not the way others look at you, but the way you see yourself. The insanity which we use as our vision.

- Margaret Cho

Mirror, mirror, can't you see?

What you show is killing me.

- Unknown

Abuse or Bullying

This may develop a negative self-image which can lead to obsessions about your appearance.

Low Self-Esteem

You can become fixed on aspects of your appearance that you want to improve.

Fear Of Being Alone Or Isolated

Worrying about not fitting into a group of friends or not being able to have a romantic relationship can lead to BDD. You may believe a particular type of appearance is necessary to maintain friends or find a partner. If a relationship is broken; this can cause your concerns to become worse.

We hope this helped x


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