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The Green Team: Our Story 

Janurary to Feburary

February to May

The first 3 months of our campaign were probably the busiest! 


At the start of Janurary we were shortlisted as part of the top 50 teams in Ireland. As this was quite an achievement and we had many, many plans we knew we had to start to publicise our campaign!


As our target audience was secondary school pupils we made Facebook and Twitter pages as all teenagers are literally stuck to their mobile phones & social media this was one of our most successful methods of publicisation. We also got an article in our county's paper, The Clare Champion which reached people all over the Banner County. 


As we founded it hard to come up with content which fits in twitters 180 character quotaWe decided to post a "Daily Energy Fact / Tip" Which recieved huge amounts of attention! We also tweeted Ruairí Quinn numerous times but he never replied. We als tweeted famous people to raise awareness of our page.




May to Now

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